Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement 2022/23
This is an archive of the 2022/23 statement.
Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement
1. Introduction
At Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHFT) we are committed to ensuring that no modern slavery or human trafficking takes place in any part of our business or our supply chain.
This statement sets out actions taken by OHFT to understand all potential modern slavery and human trafficking risks and to implement effective systems and controls.
2. Organisational structure
OHFT provides physical, mental health, learning disability and social care for people of all ages across Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Swindon, Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset.
Our services are delivered at community bases, hospitals, clinics and people’s homes. We focus on delivering care as close to home as possible.
As a leading teaching, training and research trust, we have close links to Oxford and Oxford Brookes, Buckinghamshire, Reading and Bath universities.
We are part of the Oxford Academic Health Science Centre, working closely with our university colleagues to translate their findings into clinical care as quickly as possible, enabling people using our services to benefit from the latest advances in healthcare.
We host the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre with Oxford University, and aim to bring the best science to the complex problems of mental disorders and dementia.
We also host the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Oxford and Thames Valley (NIHR ARC OTV) a partnership between universities, healthcare organisations, charities and industry targeting health and social care problems in Oxfordshire and the Thames Valley.
Further information about OHFT can be found on the following website:
Our supply chains enable the procurement of a wide range of goods and services on behalf of our clients and service users.
3. Our policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking
We are fully aware of the responsibilities we bear towards our service users, employees and local communities.
We are guided by a strict set of ethical values in all our business dealings and expect our suppliers (i.e. all companies we do business with) to adhere to these same principles. We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking.
Staff are expected to report concerns about slavery and human trafficking and management are expected to act upon them in accordance with our policies and procedures.
4. Due Diligence
To identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our own business and our supply chain we:
- Undertake appropriate pre‐employment checks on directly employed staff and agencies on approved frameworks which are audited to provide assurance that pre‐employment clearance has been obtained for agency staff;
- Implement a range of controls to protect staff from poor treatment and/or exploitation, which comply with all respective laws and regulations. These include provision of fair pay rates, fair Terms and Conditions of employment and access to training and development opportunities;
- Consult and negotiate with Trade Unions on proposed changes to employment, work organisation and contractual relations;
- Purchase most of our products from UK or EU based firms, who may also be required to comply with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) or similar legislation in other EU states;
- Purchase a significant number of products through NHS Supply Chain, whose ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ includes a provision around forced labour;
- With effect from January 2017, require all suppliers to comply with the provisions of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015), through our purchase orders and tender specifications, all of which set out our commitment to ensuring no modern slavery or human trafficking related to our business;
- Uphold professional codes of conduct and practice relating to procurement and supply, including through adherence to Sustainable and Ethical Values as advocated through the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply and/or other appropriate professional bodies; and
- Where possible and consistent with the Public Contracts Regulations, build long‐standing relationships with suppliers.
5. Training and awareness
Advice and training about modern slavery and human trafficking is available to staff through our Safeguarding Children and Adults training, our Safeguarding policies and procedures and our Safeguarding leads.
As part of our recruitment process we consider the extent applicants have knowledge and skills to comply with their obligations to safeguard service users which includes Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
It is extremely important to Oxford Health that all employed staff are supported to recognise signs and indicators of abuse which includes concerns relating to modern slavery and human trafficking.
We have a responsibility as an organisation delivering care and treatment to vulnerable children and adults and we take this duty very seriously.
The organisation monitors any modern slavery issues through our Safeguarding Team and together with partner agencies.
6. Board of Directors’ approval
This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of OHFT, and the Board will aim to review and update it on an annual basis as required.
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