Monitor Risk Rating
Monitor is the independent regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts. NHS Foundation Trusts remain part of the NHS and provide services to patients on the basis of need and not the ability to pay.
However, they are set free, to a certain extent, from central government control. They possess three key characteristics that distinguish them from NHS Trusts:
- Freedom to decide locally how to meet their obligations
- Accountable to local people, who can become members and seek election to the Board of Governors
- Authorised and monitored by Monitor – Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts.
This Trust became a Foundation Trust from 1st April 2008.
Monitor has two main strands of work:
- Deciding whether NHS Trusts are ready to become NHS Foundation Trusts
- Ensuring that NHS Foundation Trusts are well led and focused on the quality of care and financially robust, to comply with the conditions they are signed up to
Monitor publishes two risk ratings for each NHS Foundation Trust, updated quarterly:
- Financial risk rating (rated 1-5, where 1 represents the highest risk and 5 the lowest
- Governance risk rating to look at the quality of services (rated red, amber-red, amber-green or green, where red represents likely or actual significant breach and green no material concerns).
Page last reviewed: 16 May, 2024