Patient Feedback
Patient feedback provides a valuable insight into what services are like for patients. With this information the Trust is able find out where we are doing well and to highlight areas where we need to improve. There are various ways feedback is gathered by the Trust including:
- National survey programme
- Forums and focus groups. For example: The CAMHS Article 12 Group and the forensic inpatient run Patient Councils
- Extensive programme of local postal surveys across all services
- Electronic devices to collect comments on handheld devices and kiosks
- Patient Advice Liaison Service and Complaints
- Local comment boxes
- Service user, carer and general public Foundation Trust members and Governors
- Patient case studies/ interviews
We will also use this section of the website to tell you what actions we have taken as a result of comments from our patients and their friends and family.
National Patient Survey Programme
The Department of Health has initiated a national patient survey programme across the country, which is carried out by all NHS Trusts.
The purpose of these surveys is to listen to what patients feel about the services provided by hospitals and take steps to make improvements wherever problems are identified.
These national surveys are used to compare performance between Trusts and to monitor improvements to services over time.
The national surveys completed within the Trust focuses on the experience of community mental health patients.
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