Safe staffing levels

All NHS hospitals in England and Wales are required to publish information about nurse staffing levels on wards, including the number of shifts meeting their agreed levels.

At Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust we:

Who is not included?

Each ward has a ward manager and the support of a modern matron or equivalent, who provide leadership, management and support. Each ward is also supported by a team of specialists who have an important impact on the safety and effectiveness of care.

The following roles are not included in the analysis of nurse staffing levels:

  • the ward manager
  • the modern matron
  • specialists such as medics, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and psychologists

Further information

For more information about staffing levels across our wards please contact Marie Crofts, Chief Nurse on 01865 902217.

The nurse staffing levels for every NHS provider across the country are published each month on the NHS Choices website: select the hospital/site you are interested in to see information about that site. Our use NHS choices hospital finder.

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