
Blue Ice has undergone an initial evaluation and our findings show that BlueIce is safe, highly acceptable and reduces self-harm.


Young person acceptability

After trialling BlueIce for 2 weeks 93% of young people wanted to use it and after 12 weeks 89% wanted to keep it.


Improved psychological wellbeing

At the end the 12 week trial there were significant reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety.


Stopped or reduced self-harm

At the end of the 12 week trial, 73% of young people who had been self-harming had either stopped or were harming less.


Stallard P, Porter J & Grist R (2016). Safety, Acceptability, and Use of a Smartphone App, BlueIce, for Young People Who Self-Harm: Protocol for an Open Phase I Trial. JMIR Res Protoc 2016; 5(4):e217

Stallard P, Porter J & Grist R (2018). Acceptability, Use, and Safety of a Mobile Phone App (BlueIce) for Young People Who Self-Harm: Qualitative Study of Service Users’ Experience. JMIR Mental Health 2018; 5(1):e16

Stallard P, Porter J & Grist R (2018). A Smartphone App (BlueIce) for Young People Who Self-Harm: Open Phase 1 Pre-Post Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018; 6(1):e32

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