The triage process
The clinical team will read your referral carefully to ensure we understand your difficulties. The more information you can give us about your symptoms, and the functional impact this is having on your daily life, the better. We will add up the scores from all of your questionnaires and read the text you and your informant have provided.
We will then decide whether or not your information meets the threshold for us to offer you an assessment for possible ADHD. We follow the NICE guidelines when we make this decision. You can find it here We may feel that the information you have given us indicates that another diagnosis is more likely, or that another type of support would be more helpful to you at this point.
Whilst we aim to triage your referral as quickly as possible, we are afraid that due to unprecedented demand there is currently a delay with this part of the process.
We will contact you by post to let you know the outcome of your triage process.
Page last reviewed: 19 November, 2024