Tutors’ Code of Conduct
Buckinghamshire Recovery College expects tutors to:
- Refrain from using offensive language
- Be punctual, and to be prepared for the lesson that they are going to teach.
- Be familiar with the Standard Operational Procedures
- Actively listen to students and respect their views
- Have some understanding of where to sign-post students, if necessary
- Deliver courses using a variety of teaching methods, aimed at the various types of learning
- Record any incident of note on their lesson plan and feed it back to the relevant individual
- Actively manage the classroom environment, ensuring that the learning is accessible for all
- Attend and take an active part in supervision; looking after your own wellbeing at work
- Maintain a professional relationship with the students
- Refrain from developing personal relationships with students whilst they are undertaking learning offered by Buckinghamshire Recovery College
- Model the principles of recovery
- Take part in the development of the College
- Assist in the evaluation of the courses and course material.
Page last reviewed: 25 June, 2021