What is Recovery?
A person’s journey of recovery is a highly individual process.
It is about developing a meaningful and satisfying life regardless of a condition or diagnosis.
It is using and developing your skills and talents to become all you want to be and do all you want to do!
Specialist treatment like therapy and medication may be important, but it is only a part of the story.
Non-urgent advice: The recovery journey
Everyone’s journey of recovery is individual and uniquely personal – there is no formula, but there does appear to be three things that are critical:
Recovery needs hope. Relationships are key in supporting and fostering hope. It is difficult to believe in yourself if everyone around you thinks you will never amount to very much. When you find it hard to believe in yourself and your possibilities you need others to believe in you and hold on to hope for you
Choosing your goals. Recovery involves taking back control of your life and destiny; finding purpose, meaning and direction in life; deciding what is important to you and finding new dreams and ambitions. It may also include taking control of your own recovery and self care and working out ways of managing problems so they don’t get in the way of you pursuing your goals and deciding what help and support you need in order to pursue your ambitions
Recovery is impossible without opening up opportunity for a life beyond illness. Doing the things that give your life value such as meaningful occupation, work, and participation in community life and leisure activities.
Page last reviewed: 25 June, 2021