BaNES & Wiltshire Single Point of Access (SPA)

Who we are and what we do

CAMHS helps children and young people who are struggling with their mental health.

BaNES and Wiltshire CAMHS Single Point of Access (SPA) team accept self-referrals from young people.

We also accept referrals from parents/carers and professionals such as school nurses, GPs, social workers and paediatricians.

Our team

Single Point of Access is made up of lots of different types of professionals such as nurses, social workers and occupational therapists along with a team of administrative staff.


Thinking of making a referral/request for service?

All new referrals must come through the SPA and cannot be made directly to local teams.

If you or your child are already open to CAMHS then please use one of the links to contact your local team:

All parents/carers and professionals thinking about making a referral are requested to read our Request for Service Guidance to help make a decision as to whether a referral is required at this time.

It may be that there are other services which could better  meet the needs of the child/young person.

What happens when you make a referral/request for service?

The SPA team will:

  • Triage all requests for service and referrals. This happens every working day (Monday to Friday.) This means the team will assess the presenting mental health needs of the child/young person.
  • Make a clinical decision as to whether additional information is required to help us plan the next steps. We may make contact via phone to the referrer, young person, parent/carer to gather more information.  This may happen any time from the same day to  up to 28 days.
  • Recommend outcomes, which may be advice and signposting the child/young person to the most appropriate third-party services or requesting one of our local CAMHS teams to provide support.
  • Provide the referrer with a response within 28 days. This may be a text, phone call or a letter.

Make a referral

You can choose to make a self-referral, parent/carer referral or professional referral via the form below.

What if I need urgent help?

If you require urgent mental health advice and guidance (but the situation is not a crisis or life threatening) please contact:

In hours:

Out of hours:

CAMHS Helpline (a CAMHS clinician can provide advice and guidance)

  • Monday-Friday  17:00 – 23:00  – 0800 023 2133
  • Weekends and Bank Holidays 0900 – 23:00 – 0800 023 2133
  • After 23:00 – 0800 023 2133 (diverts to NHS 111 Service)

Other support available:

Life threatening emergencies and if you need help straight away – please call 999.

CAMHS can also help with urgent concerns regarding a child or young person who needs immediate support from a mental health professional. This has previously been known as ‘crisis’ support.

However, we always encourage young people, parents, carers or other professionals to contact CAMHS before a concern reaches this point.

Helpful information

How do I transfer from one CAMHS team to another CAMHS team?

Please contact us directly on 01865 903 330 for an individual needs based discussion.

If I am already with BaNES or Wiltshire CAMHS, how do I make contact?


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Page last reviewed: 13 September, 2024