You said, we did


You said… it can be hard to make appointments around our busy lives.

We did… we will now ask you at your assessment how you would prefer appointments to be made, for example whether you would like us to block book appointments.

The name of the service

You said… we have heard from many young people that they dislike the word ‘LAAC’ as it suggests that something is ‘lacking’.

We did… The participation leads in the team are currently working alongside children and young people in care to gather their ideas on what a better name may be. The new name of the service is the Adopted and Care Experienced Team (ACE).


You said… that you would like reports to be more collaborative and using the pronouns that you prefer.

We did… we will now discuss reports with the young person in the assessment to agree what they prefer.

CAMHS Care Plans

You said… we heard that the CAMHS careplan isn’t very child friendly and often isn’t written together with the young person and carer.

We did… we have now co-created a CAMHS careplan that is more child focused and accessible. We endeavour to collaboratively write this care plan with the young person and their carers after the assessment.


You said… you told us that you would like to read more about what the team does and familiarise yourself with the person you are meeting from the team.

We did… we created this webpage based on what you asked us for.

Non-urgent advice: We need you!

Natasha and Catherine are the participation leads for the service, and they created this web page alongside 2 young people in care.

We are passionate about involving young people and carers in the support that we offer, and we would love to hear your ideas!

Please make contact with us if you are interested in supporting any projects, or if you have any feedback for us on this website or on our service.

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Page last reviewed: 24 November, 2023