Looking after yourself as a caregiver

The support our team provides for behaviours that challenge requires a collaborative effort between you as caregivers and us as professionals.

We would love to have a magic wand, but we unfortunately we don’t…

What is your stress bucket like?

Strategies to support with behaviour can mean adapting routines in the home.

This can be demanding and takes resilience and effort. Are you able to self-care and have time for respite?

We all need oxygen to survive…

•        If you run out of oxygen, you can’t help put anyone else’s oxygen mask on

•        Put your oxygen mask on first!

We all need rest and sleep to recharge and survive…

•        It is important for you to care for your own health and wellbeing, so that you can care for your child.

Additional resources

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Page last reviewed: 12 July, 2024