School In-Reach Team (SIR)
Who we are
The Oxfordshire CAMHS School In-Reach (SIR) Team works in schools to support the mental health of young people.
We aim to build skills, knowledge and confidence within school staff to enhance students’ mental health and well-being.
What we do
SIR provides school staff with training, help and advice, ensuring students who experiencing difficulties such as anxiety, low mood, and self-harm receive early help in schools from trained staff, to prevent more serious mental health difficulties from developing.
How to get help
Schools with specific areas of need can access our service by contacting us via email or through our regular planning/review meetings we have with them (3 times a year).
We send out regular training offers to all school staff in Oxfordshire and most of our staff training takes place online.
We also send out 3 x newsletters with signposting information during the school year.
Non-urgent advice: Contact us
The School In-Reach team can be contacted via email or our Single Point of Access (SPA) phone line:
- Email:
- Phone: 01865 902 515
Page last reviewed: 15 September, 2021