Joint care with CAMHS
Once the referral has been assessed by the CAMHS ED service, any further blood investigations will ordered by the Eating Disorder Service and the patient asked to attend the phlebotomist at their local GP practice or Paediatrics outpatients. In rare circumstances the GP may be asked to regularly review the young person’s weight and physical health (if the patient will not engage with CAMHS and is at risk, but will agree to be reviewed by the GP).
Care Programme Approach
The young person will be treated within a CPA framework. This is a structured approach to care, involving the allocation of a care-coordinator, creating a care plan and having regular reviews. The GP may be invited to join CPA reviews, particularly at the time of discharge. If the GP is unable to attend the review, a clinician from the ED service may approach the GP for an update or to share information.
Page last reviewed: 18 January, 2023