
Research undertaken by members of the Eating Disorder Service

Recent articles

Tan, J.& Stewart, A. (2010) The ethics of compulsion in the treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents, Journal of Hospital Ethics, Vol 1 (3).

Tan, J.O.A., Stewart, A. Fitzpatrick, R., and Hope, T. (2010) Attitudes of patients with anorexia nervosa to compulsory treatment and coercion. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 33: 13–19.

Koch, C., Stewart, A & Stuart A. (2010). Putting CBT into its context: working with families and the wider system. In M.Muelleer, H. Kennerley, F. McManus & D. Westbrook. The Oxford Guide to surviving as a CBT therapist. OUP

Hope, T., Tan, J., Stewart, A, & Fitzpatrick, R. (2011). Anorexia nervosa and the language of authenticity, The Hastings Center Report, 19-29.

Stewart, A. and Tan, J. (2012) Chapter 16: Ethical and Legal Issues. In (eds.) Lask, B. and Bryant-Waugh, R. Eating Disorders In Childhood and Early Adolescence, 4rd edition. Routledge and Psychology Press: London.

Daine, K., Hawton, K., Singaravelu, V., Stewart, A., Simkin, S. & Montgomery, P. (2013) The power of the web: a systematic review of studies of the influence of the internet on self-harm and suicide in young people. PloS ONE 8 (10) e77555

Hope, T., Tan, J., Stewart, A., McMillan, J. (2013). Agency, ambivalence and authenticity: the many ways in which anorexia nervosa can affect autonomy. International Journal of Law in Context, 9(1), 20-36.

Charland, L., Hope, T. Stewart, A. & Tan, J. (2014). Anorexia nervosa as a passion. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 20, 353-365.

Singaravelu, V. Stewart, A., Adams, J., Simkin, S. & Hawton, K. (2015). Information seeking on the internet: an investigation of websites potentially accessed by distressed or suicidal adolescents, Crisis,

Hughes, N., Locock, L., Hawton, K., Simkin, S., Stewart, A., Ferry, A., Gunnell, D & Kapur, N. (2015). Making sense of an unknown terrain: how parents and other family members understand self-harm in young people. Qualitative Health Research.

Bezance, J & Holliday, J. (2013). Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa Have Their Say: A review of Qualitative Studies on Treatment and Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa, European Eating Disorders Review, 21 (5),

Bezance, J. & Holliday, J. (2014), Mothers’ Experiences of Home Treatment for Adolescents With Anorexia Nervosa: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 22, (5), 386-404

Ferry, A.E. , Hughes. N., Simkin. S., Locock. L., Stewart, A., Kapur, N., Gunnell, D., Hawton, K. (2016). The impact of self-harm by young people on parents, carers and families: a qualitative study. BMJOpen. 6:e009651.doi.10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009631

Ferry, A.E. , Hughes. N., Simkin. S., Locock. L., Stewart, A., Kapur, N., Gunnell, D., Hawton, K. (2016). Changes in parenting strategies after a young person’s self-harm: a qualitative study. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.

Stewart, A., Hughes, N., Simkin, S., Locock, L., Ferrey, A., Kapur, N., Gunnell, D., Hawton, K. (2016). Navigating an unfamiliar world: how parents of young people who self-harm experience support and treatment. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health doi:10.111/camh.12205

Lawrence, P, Craske, M, Kempton, C., Stewart, A and Stein, A (2017) Intrusive thoughts and images of intentional harm to infants in the context of maternal post natal depression, anxiety and OCD. British Journal of General Practice, 67 (661) 376- 377.

Jenkins, P., Bues, S., Cottrell, J., Hawkins, J., Pinder, L., Price, S., Stewart, A. (2017) A collaborative care skills workshop for carers – can it be delivered in one day? Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, doi: 10.1002/cpp2119.

Marchant, A. Hawton, K., Stewart, A., Montgomery, P., Singaravelu, V., Lloyd, K., Purdy, N., Daine, K. & John A. (2017) A systematic review of the relationship between internet use, self harm and suicidal behaviour in young people – the good, the bad and the unknown. In Press PLOS

Bould, H, Newbegin, C., Fazel, M, Stewart, A., Stein, A. (2017). Assessment of a child or young person with a possible eating disorder. British Medical Journal, 2017;359:j5328 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5328 (Published 7 December 2017).

Bould, H, Newbegin, C., Fazel, M, Stewart, A., Stein, A. (2017). Eating disorders in children and young people. British Medical Journal 2017;359:j5245 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5245 (Published 7 December 2017).

John, A., Glendenning, A.C., Marchant, A., Montgomery, P., Stewart, A., Wood, S., Lloyd, K., Hawton, K. (2018) Suicidal Behaviour and cyberbullying in children and young people: a systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 (4) e129 doi: 10.21961jmit.9044

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