Health and wellbeing

We value our staff

We value our staff, and we work hard to maintain an environment where our staff thrive. Here are some of the ways in which we support our staff’s health and wellbeing.

Free Occupational Health services

Our professional occupational health team provides staff with impartial advice about any health and wellbeing issues, including:

  • Referrals on any health issue
  • Prompt assistance with accidental exposure injuries
  • Immunisation of staff at risk from infectious diseases
  • Access to counselling and physiotherapy services if appropriate
  • Workstation assessments and ergonomic advice

Spiritual and Pastoral Care

Everyone goes through difficulties at times, yet it is easy to feel alone and isolated in dealing with the these issues. At times like this a confidential conversation with someone who will listen carefully can help.

Our Spiritual and Pastoral Care team are available to all staff, to offer support and guidance when needed: they can informally provide confidential listening, or more formal short-term counselling.

The Trust also has a quiet sanctuary on three of its sites, which are open and available to staff and patients.

Staff Health and Wellbeing Action Group

The Staff Health and Wellbeing Action Group meets regularly to find ways of providing solutions that meet the health and wellbeing needs of our staff. The Health and Wellbeing Action Group empowers staff to raise concerns and take action to improve health and wellbeing across the trust.

Page last reviewed: 8 July, 2022