Finding support that’s right for you

You may find it helpful to get emotional help and support from outside your circle of family and friends.

Information, advice, and support is available to carers in a variety of different ways, through Oxford Health, local carers organisations and other charities.

It is about finding the right support for you, at the right time. Now may not be the right time but you may want to try some of the resources below in the future.

Be kind and compassionate to you.

Carers message

Support available to you through Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

You are not alone.

Carers message
Buckinghamshire Family and Carer Support Group

This is a safe space for family members or carers to meet with others in similar situations, enjoy friendly conversation, listen, ask and share.

The group is held on the last Wednesday of every month between 11am and12.30pm.

For more information visit the carers’ support page of the Oxford Health website.


Give yourself permission to take time out for you.

Carers message
Oxfordshire/Swindon, Wiltshire and North East Somerset Carers’ Open Space

This is a safe space for family members or carers to meet with others in similar situations, enjoy a friendly conversation, listen, ask and share.

The group is held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month between 11am and 12.30pm

For more information visit the carers’ support page of the Oxford Health website.,

Phone: 07775 816 646

Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Family and Carer Support Group

This group is specifically for people looking after someone affected by self-harm or suicidal thoughts.

Come along to connect with other carers who are experiencing similar situations. The group offers a safe and supportive environment to share your experiences and talk through any difficulties you may be facing.

The group is held on the 3rd Thursday of every month between 6pm and 7pm.

For more information visit the carers’ support page of the Oxford Health website,

Phone: 07775 816 646

Carers’ workshops

Free online workshops on a range of mental health topics. These workshops aim to help you get a better understanding of the mental health condition your loved one has and to help support you in your caring role.

The workshops give you the opportunity to direct questions to our health professionals and to be part of a group where people are experiencing similar situations.

Carers’ workshop programmes for Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Swindon, Bath and NE Somerset programme can be found on the Carers support page of the Oxford Health website.

Service specific groups, workshops or forums

The service providing care to your relative may offer groups, forums or workshops. Contact a member of the care team to find out more.

Phone: 07775 816 646

Family and Carer Support Line

Being a carer can be a lonely place. Our dedicated volunteer-run line for family, friends and carers offers you the opportunity to have a friendly chat with someone who will listen and help you get through any difficult times you may be experiencing.

You can talk to someone about the support available to you in your local area to help you take some time out from caring and focus on your own wellbeing.

Call 01865 901012, leave a message, and one of our volunteers will call you back between 11am and 12pm Monday to Friday

Phone: 01865 901 012

Talking Therapy services

NHS Talking Therapies services offer a range of free talking therapies for people experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression. They follow a stepped care model intervention and will always start with the least intensive treatment; often a course or group.


Buckinghamshire NHS Talking Therapy Service is for people registered with an NHS Buckinghamshire GP.

Phone: 01865 901 600
Text: Text TALK to 07798 667 169


Oxfordshire NHS Talking Therapy Services is for people registered with an NHS Oxfordshire GP.

Phone: 01865 901 222

Are you caring for someone with a diagnosis of dementia?

Both Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire talking therapy services offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for carers of people with dementia. CBT is an approach used to help people understand how their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are linked.

This 12-week group can help carers reduce stress, find ways to cope with their caring role, and connect with others in similar situations.

To find out more about the programme, see website details above or contact your local NHS talking therapy service using the contact details above.

Recovery Colleges

Carers can often experience a sense of isolation and loss of personal identity. Becoming a student at one of the Recovery Colleges can help to break this pattern. Allowing yourself some ‘me time’; learning something new and re-discovering a sense of self in this non-judgemental setting can make a difference to the way you feel and how you manage everyday life along with your caring role.

The Recovery College provide free, educational courses for patients, service users and carers. Courses can help you to build up your resilience, coping-skills, and confidence. Learning something new is one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing and can be fun and rewarding.


The Recovery Colleges may offer courses specifically and exclusively for carers, but you are welcome to sign up for any session to start on that road of discovery/re-discovery.


Phone: 01865 901 515 or 07584150 653


Phone: 01865 779 613


Page last reviewed: 28 June, 2024