From one carer to another
As family members, friends and carers of people accessing mental health services, we have worked with Oxford Health NHS professionals to design this handbook. It is something we wish we had received at the start of our journey.
We genuinely hope it will be of use and benefit to you. Please don’t be put off by the size of this handbook. Look at it and take what you need when you feel able. It is not exhaustive.
It is intended to be more of an information tool that can be regularly updated. It can stay with you as you go through, what may be a very personal and sometimes difficult journey, with the person you care for.
It does not preach, it does not make promises, it does not have all the answers, but it does rely heavily on our own experiences of mental health services and our own personal journeys to hopefully support you and help you through yours.
Page last reviewed: 28 June, 2024