Who do we help?
In Oxfordshire, Children’s Integrated Therapies work with children, young people and their parents or carers to provide advice, support and treatment for children and young people with a range of difficulties, such as stammering, hypermobility and cerebral palsy.
Sometimes these difficulties are alongside other problems such as learning difficulties, but this is not always the case. Children might have these difficulties from birth or acquire them later in life (such as due to illness or trauma).
We work closely with early years’ settings, school staff and other health professionals, such as health visitors, school nurses, dieticians and psychologists.
In Oxfordshire, the Integrated Speech and Language Therapy Service works closely with a range of SENSS services such as the AAC Service or the Physical Disability team. Another team we work with are the SENSS Communication and Interaction advisory teachers who offer advice and strategies to staff with schools and other settings to support language development and social communication skills.
Page last reviewed: 29 August, 2021