Visiting FAQ
When can I visit?
Times vary on each of our wards – please contact the ward directly who can advise you of their times. Often we ask you to avoid busy times on the ward such as medication rounds, meal times and therapy sessions.
- Wenrisc Ward, Witney Community Hospital Tel: 01865 904615
- Linfoot Ward, Witney Community Hospital Tel: 01865 904674
- Abbey Ward, Abingdon Community Hospital Tel: 01865 904668
- Oxford Stroke Rehabilitation Unit (OSRU), Abingdon Community Hospital Tel: 01865 904020
- St Leonard’s Ward, Wallingford Community Hospital Tel: 01865 904518
- Didcot Ward, Didcot Community Hospital Tel: 01865 904248
- Bicester Community Hospital Tel: 01865 903164
- City Community Ward, Fulbrook Centre, Churchill Hospital Tel: 01865 902888
Do I need to book?
In general you will not need to book. The exception to this is if your friend/family member is in a bay with other patients and there is a need to restrict visiting to comply with social distancing and to allow other patients to have equal time with their visitors. The ward will inform you if this is necessary.
Do I need to bring any personal protective equipment (PPE)?
We will provide you with a fluid resistant surgical face mask should you wish to wear one.
All visitors will be reminded to wash and dry their hands thoroughly before using the alcohol gel provided prior to entering and leaving the ward. All PPE provided must be disposed of appropriately.
Is visiting allowed on all wards?
Visiting will not be allowed in an environment where there are COVID positive patients. You will be informed immediately if this is the case. There are some exceptions and although this list is not exhaustive, we will try to accommodate a visit if your friend or family member has learning disabilities or dementia or is nearing the end of their life.
Can I use my wheelchair when I visit my family member or friend?
Yes, and if you require assistance with your wheelchair, we will accommodate your carer to accompany you on your visit.
Can I bring a child with me?
Children may visit at the discretion of the ward team. There may be some circumstances where this is not appropriate. Children must be supervised at all times.
Can I bring gifts or presents?
We know that many people like to do kind things like bring gifts to people in hospital, but it’s important to be mindful of infection control. Please do not bring flowers and make sure that your gift isn’t shared with other patients. We try to keep the areas around patients’ beds clear for hygiene reasons so please do not bring too many gifts.
On the day of your visit
Where do I go when I arrive?
Please use designated entrances. This will vary from site to site and will therefore be explained to you when your family member or friend is admitted.
What do I do when I arrive at the ward?
You will be asked to wash your hands on arrival and on leaving the ward. Alcohol gel will also be provided. To further reduce the risk of spreading an infection, please remain with your friend or family member, unless you need the toilet or wish to speak with a staff member.
A member of our staff will provide you with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before you go to your family member or friend’s bedside if it is required, or if you wish to wear it.
Where can I sit?
Please do not sit on your relative or friend’s bed. Please sit on the chairs provided.
What happens when I leave the ward?
Please wash and dry your hands thoroughly and use the alcohol gel provided prior to leaving the ward.
Please remove your mask and place it in the bin provided if you are wearing one.
If I can't visit are there other ways I can keep in touch with them?
Of course. You are still able to call the ward, and our wards also have mobile phones which can be taken to the bedside. We also have some iPads which people can make video calls on. Please do ask the nursing teams on the wards for more information.
To leave feedback or for more information, please email
Carers experience survey
If you have a moment to fill out this survey on the carers’ experience please follow the link below:
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