We accept inpatient referrals for individuals aged 18 and above who fulfil one or more of the following criteria:
- Severely low weight, i.e. a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 17.5 usually as a result of rigid and purposeful dietary restriction
- Recent history of rapid weight loss, such as more than 1 kg a week for 12 consecutive weeks, as a result of rigid and purposeful dietary restriction
- Severe binge eating, purging behaviours, self induced vomiting several times a day for three months or more; this may be indicated by low electrolyte levels particularly potassium and calcium
- Significant deterioration or no significant improvement in an eating disorder after a reasonable course of specialist outpatient therapy
- Severe bingeing and purging cycles that require a time limited admission of up to six weeks inpatient treatment in order to break the cycles
- A need for care for their eating disorder under a Section of the Mental Health Act 2007