Friends & Family
The Friends and Family Test asks the following question; how likely are you to recommend our services to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?
This test is an important feedback took that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience: find out more about the Friends and Family Test on the NHS England website.
How are we doing?
You can let us know how well we are doing via the health reviews website I Want Great Care (more on providing feedback on how we are doing) or through Patient Advice & Liaison. See also our Family, Friends and Carers strategy for more on how we plan to support those with caring responsibilities.
Help shape our services
You can also help shape the services we provide by becoming a member of the Oxford Health Foundation Trust.
Anyone who lives in areas served by the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, or anyone who has used our services as a patient, service user, or carer, can become a Member of our Trust for free. Here are just some of the reasons to become a member:
- Influence the way our services are developed
- Receive shopping vouchers from major high street retailers
- Elect a Governor to represent your views
- Stand to become a Governor
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