School readiness
Health Promotion Links To Support The 4 year Health and Development Transition Review.
Oxford Health Visiting Teams are excited to now offer a 4 Year School Readiness Review face to face with a member of your local Health Visiting Team.
We look forward to meeting you.
During your appointment we will review the Ages and Stages Questionnaires to review your child’s health and development.
If you have any queries or concerns, please discuss these at your appointment, or contact the HV service via our Chat Health ParentLine 0-4 years, by texting 07312 263081
General School Readiness Information:
OCC School Readiness Website:
OCC Library Website:
Child Care Information:
Peep (Supporting Parents with Learning):
BBC Tiny Happy People:
What does ‘School readiness’ really mean? School readiness: How to prepare your child for school – BBC Tiny Happy People
“50 things to do before you are 5”: 50 Things to do before 5 in Oxfordshire
NHS CHOICES: Toddler | Start for Life (
Routine childhood immunisations schedule (
Vaccine Knowledge | (
Safety for Children:
ROSPA: the Prevention of Accidents
Button Battery Information: safety: button batteries
Child Accident Prevention Trust:
ERIC Website: Home – ERIC
NHS Better Together: Healthier Families – Home – NHS (
Speech and Language Development:
BBC Tiny Happy People:
BBC Tiny Happy People video: How can rhyming words help children learn?
BBC Tiny Happy People video – when does your child learn to talk about the past?
BBC Tiny Happy People video: Speaking multiple languages at home
Solihull Approach:
See also the expected developmental and emotional milestones at age 3-5 here:
Child developmental and emotional milestones 0-5 (Solihull Approach)
Oxfordshire County Council have produced a leaflet about school readiness and how to support your child to thrive in the early years!
Page last reviewed: 29 April, 2024