Who we help

All families with children up until the age of 5, who have an Oxfordshire postcode are on our countywide caseloads.

As well as our routine health and developmental reviews (called universal support) we also offer enhanced support when a family needs it (this is called targeted support).

Any family at any time may need help with specific issues that affect them and/or their children’s health and development, so the actual service we provide to each family varies according to their needs, and evidence of what will work for them.

For children with chronic or complex needs we work closely with partner agencies to provide a joint package of support (called specialist support)

Children with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND)

Part of our specialist support is with children under five years of age with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability. We give additional support though our SEND pathway. See below the Oxfordshire County Council information page for parents who have children with autism.

Early years children with autism | Oxfordshire County Council

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Page last reviewed: 29 April, 2024