Checklist prior to session

We do appreciate that not all schools will have the resources to be able to fully support the Immunisation Team and may struggle with some of the checklist items below.

Please contact us prior to your session to discuss individual issues so we can work with the resources you have.

A session may have to be cancelled if we arrive on site having not had a discussion and believe that we are not able to run the session safely with the resources provided.

Checklist item TICK
Appoint a lead member of staff within school to take overall charge of the vaccination session and who will be responsible for liaising with the Immunisation Team. [    ]
Ensure the Lead member of staff has registered for access rights to Cinnamon Digital and is able to access the school portal. email if you require registration. [    ]
The lead member of staff to email parent/carers the letter provided by Oxford Health informing parent/carers of the upcoming vaccination session and providing the link to the Consent form. Subject heading of email to state


[    ]
Add vaccination session date, unique school code and link to the online consent form on your school website [    ]
Lead member of staff to check E Consent portal and remind parent/carers to submit their Consent Forms when necessary. Consent forms need to be submitted at least one full school day before the school session, late forms may not be processed in time. [    ]
Organise a suitable room which Is large enough to accommodate the vaccinators and pupils and is near to handwashing facilities. Ensure the room is available for the duration of the session (This may be required for the full school day). Please be aware that the team will arrive with a lot of heavy equipment, so a ground floor room is preferable. [    ]
Room to be set up with adult tables and two chairs per vaccinator. A crash/PE mat and water to be provided for the pupils if required. [    ]
School WIFI code to be provided to Immunisation Team on arrival [    ]
All messages received by school to be written on message sheet and given to the Lead Vaccinator in the Immunisation Team prior to the session commencing. [    ]
A nominated member of staff who is familiar with the children to attend the session and collect the children from their class. Only children for whom we have consent for vaccination should be brought to the Vaccination Room. The list of students we wish to see will be available to you via your Cinnamon log in. [    ]

Page last reviewed: 26 August, 2023