Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

The HPV Vaccine is usually delivered in schools between January and March and is offered to all students in year 8.  This programme changes to a single dose schedule from September 2023. A second dose is no longer required unless there is a medical reason for a further doses.

You will receive details on how to provide consent for this vaccination from school in December. We request you complete the form as soon as it is received to ensure you child is vaccinated in the planned school session.

If your child is in school years 9-11 and you believe they have missed this vaccination please contact us via email immunisation

Boys born after 1st September 2006 are eligible to receive the HPV vaccine.

If your child is educated at home you will receive a letter from SAIS with details of how to consent and an online link to book an appointment in a community clinic.

What is HPV?

Human Papilloma Virus is a very common infection transmitted from close skin to skin contact and because it is so common most people will get it during their lifetime. Most infections do not cause any symptoms but some can lead to cancer and others to genital warts. Human papilloma virus increases the risk of developing some cancers in later life including cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anus and genital area. HPV causes 99% of all cervical cancers, the most common cause of cancer among women under 35yrs. Most vulval, penile, vaginal and anal cancers are also caused by HPV.

The HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine is a one dose programme and is offered in school year 8 (aged 12-13 years). A second dose is no longer required unless there is a medical reason for a further dose.

Further information

Page last reviewed: 26 August, 2023