rTMS pricing

Patients who are referred for rTMS by an Oxford Health Consultant Psychiatrist are treated ‘on the NHS’ i.e. free. 

The following pricing schedule applies to all other patients. Payment must be received before treatment can start. 

Initial assessment with Psychiatrist: £225 

Follow up review with psychiatrist: £100 

Accelerated intermittent theta burst rTMS: 

  • 60 + 20* sessions (6 + 2* sessions on the left and the right side* for depression and anxiety* respectively, per day for 10 days over 2 weeks): £2000 
  • Further sessions: £200/day for a full 6 + 2* sessions per day or £100/day for 3 + 1* maintenance sessions per day. 

*Subject to requirement of patient


If you do not come to your appointment, and do not give us adequate notice, we cannot reallocate it to another patient. Please contact us as soon as you know you cannot attend. 

Email is best as it avoids misunderstanding: rtmsclinic@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk or phone 01865 903524. 


Page last reviewed: 28 October, 2024