Banbury Keystone Hub
Opening times
The Hub is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm (appointments only).
If our doors are not open during these times, please ring the bell and a member of staff will let you in.
You are welcome to drop-in Monday to Friday between 10.00am and 2.00pm.
A Peer Support Worker will be on hand to offer advice and support to people walking into the hub.
Contact details
Banbury Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub
Unit 11a Castle Quay Shopping Centre
OX16 5UH
Phone: 01865 904 872
Want to be referred to the hub?
Speak to your GP surgery to request a referral to the Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub Banbury.
Alternatively you can call in 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday, email or phone to find out more about how we can help.
Non-urgent advice: Bookable group space
Group rooms can be booked by community organisations please contact the hub for details:
Page last reviewed: 17 July, 2024