Blackbird Leys & East Oxford Keystone Team
The Blackbird Leys & East Oxford Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Team is based at the Oxford Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub
Opening hours
The Hub is open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.
If our doors are not open during these times, please ring the bell and a member of staff will let you in.
Are welcome Mondays and Thursdays between 10:30am and 12pm and Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 12pm and 1:30pm.
There will be a member of staff on hand to offer support or information to people who walk into the hub.
Contact details
Oxford Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub
141 – 145 Cowley Road
Phone: 01865 904 873
Want to be referred to the hub?
Speak to your GP surgery to request a referral to the Blackbird Leys & East Oxford Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Team at Oxford Keystone Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub.
Page last reviewed: 13 December, 2024