Access the libraries
Our libraries are staffed as follows:
- Warneford Library: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00
- Whiteleaf Library: Monday & Wednesday 9:00 – 16:30; Tuesday 9:30 – 14:30, Thursday & Friday 9:30 – 12:30
- Littlemore Library: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 – 17:00; Wednesday 14:00 – 17:00
Outside these hours Library staff can still be contacted (during normal working hours) via email, phone or Microsoft Teams for support with your knowledge and information needs.
Please contact for further information if required.
Online resources
Many library services and resources are still available online. You can:
- Access e-books via our online catalogue at:
- Search for all resources in one place in The Knowledge and Library Hub
- Request articles not included in Oxford Health Libraries’ journal subscriptions, and copies of individual chapters from books via document supply or by emailing us at
- Request literature or information searches via to help you locate and utilise the evidence or best practice
- Sign up to current awareness alerts to keep up to date with the latest evidence in your specialism via:
Please let us know if you need an OpenAthens log in or any help with finding & accessing resources. See here for further information about NHS OpenAthens
Use the links on the left hand side to find out where your nearest library is located, when we are open, details of staff and how to contact us.
Page last reviewed: 8 October, 2024