Service standards
Performance Indicators
The following current Quality Standards take into account Trust aims and objectives; responses to the library survey; and include the agreed national Key Performance Indicator. They have been agreed with library staff and the Library User Committee.
Local key performance indicators (reported in the library annual report):
- Librarian Access: during library opening hours there will be access to a professional Librarian 95% of the time
- Literature Searches: 95 % of literature searches will be completed according to agreed deadlines.
- Enquiries: 95% of all enquiries will be responded to as follows: assistance in the Library will normally be given within 10 minutes during staffed opening hours, enquiries received by phone and email before 4pm on working days will be responded to the same day.
- Document Supply: 90% of requests for articles and books will be actioned within two working days.
- Urgent requests: 95% of urgent requests for clinical information will be dealt with immediately and at least within two hours unless made outside staffed hours when they will receive attention at the start of working hours on the next working day
Other Performance Indicators to ensure quality of library services:
- Library Membership: 75% of new starters will be registered as library members (average for one year).
- Athens registrations: 90% of library members will be invited to register for OpenAthens
The national KPI, will be reported as part of the Trust LDA to HETV:
- Percentage increase in compliance with the Library Quality Assurance Framework (LQAF) compared with the previous year
Page last reviewed: 10 September, 2024