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OpenAthens accounts
How do I get an OpenAthens account?
You can apply for an OpenAthens account by going to Register for OpenAthens. See the OpenAthens page on this website for further details.
I have forgotten my OpenAthens login, what should I do?
If you have forgotten your username you should be able to log in using your email address. (You will then be able to check the username on your account details.)
If you have forgotten your password, go to the OpenAthens login screen and click on the ‘Forgot Password?’ option below the form. You will need to enter your email address in order to receive a new temporary password.
Contact for assistance if you are still having problems.
What happens to my NHS OpenAthens account when I move to another Trust?
You should log in to OpenAthens with your existing details, then enter your new email address and select your new Trust using the menu options on the left. You should not need to create a new account.
Contact for assistance if you are unable to complete these steps and we will request that the account be moved for you.
I have registered for an OpenAthens account but how do I set up a password?
Once you have registered for an NHS OpenAthens password, you will be sent an activation email to the email address you used for your registration. Please check your junk and spam inboxes if you cannot find the email. The sender of the email is Eduserv Athens and the subject line is Activate your NHS OpenAthens account.
Click on the link IMMEDIATELY within the email to activate your account and to set up your password. The password must have a minimum of 8 characters and contain a number or it will be rejected.
Book loans
What happens if I lose a book?
You will be required to pay for a replacement copy.
Can I reserve a book online with my SWIMS library membership number?
No. To reserve a book, contact a member of library staff by phone or email
Can I renew my loans online?
Yes, via Log in with your library barcode (see your SWIMS library membership number). 28-day loans can be renewed twice online and 14-day loans once only. To request further renewals, or if you experience difficulties renewing online, please contact library staff by phone or email .
Can I search the SWIMS library catalogue from home? Do I need my SWIMS library membership number to do this?
You can search the SWIMS catalogue from home at . You do not need to have a SWIMS library membership number to do this but you will need to be a member of a SWIMS library if you wish to borrow items.
Library access
How do I access Warneford library outside staffed hours?
If your trust badge doesn’t work, ask Main Reception.
How do I access Littlemore library outside staffed hours?
For 24/7 access to Littlemore library (for library members without an access card), library members may borrow a temporary Library Access Card from Littlemore Library or from Warneford Library.
If you need out of hours access regularly, and your staff badge will not allow you access, please contact
How do I access Whiteleaf library outside staffed hours?
If your staff badge does not allow you to access the library please contact
Can I access other NHS libraries?
Yes, under the SWIMS agreement you may usually access SWIMS libraries for reference, loans and basic enquiries. However you are advised to contact a library before visiting as local access arrangements vary. To find out more about SWIMS libraries go to HLISD and search for the library. To display a list of libraries in the SWIMS Network select Network on the left, then ‘SWIMS’ in the drop-down list. Contact for further information.
I am a member of CAMHS OHFT staff working in Swindon, Bath or North East Somerset. How do I access library services?
OHFT libraries have agreed an arrangement whereby CAMHS staff working in the South West region, may have ‘walk in’ access including borrowing books, study space and quick enquiries in accordance with local policies to the following libraries:
Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust; Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust.
In addition OHFT CAMHS staff in the SW may return items borrowed from OHFT libraries (and sent to their work base in the SW) to the above SW libraries who will return the books by post to OHFT libraries.
See our web page: access to other libraries or contact for further information.
I work in North Oxfordshire - how can I access the library?
There are two possible options. 1. See answer above to “Can I access other NHS libraries?” 2. OHFT libraries are able to provide services remotely to OHFT staff and students in all parts of the Trust, including postal loans, information skills training and literature searching (where eligible). Check out the services on our website or contact for further information.
Can I connect to wi-fi and use a personal laptop in the library?
For devices owned and issued by the trust: wifi access is available with your usual trust login and password.
For personal devices: you may be able to access wifi depending on your network but the library cannot give advice on individual devices or networks.
Page last reviewed: 19 July, 2024