Physician Associates
“General practice is changing and is facing both a recruitment crisis and increasing workload. Physician Associates provides an additional resource to help practices meet these challenges.”
Dr Peter Dixon, Medeconomics July 2017
Physician associates (PAs) are a relatively new member of the clinical team, seen as complementary to GPs rather than a substitute. Commitments in The 2016 General Practice Forward View included an aim to recruit 1000 physician associates into general practice. Following appropriate legislation, PAs will be regulated by the GMC.
For resources describing the role of PAs see:
- Health Careers website
- You Tube case studies and A day in the life of a physician associate in general practice
- Physical Associates a working solution for GP from HEE.
The Royal College of Physicians has worked with the Faculty of Physician Associates to develop CPD-approved training for PAs. For the latest workshop dates see the RCP website.
The CPD Zone is brought to you by the GP schools of Health Education England working across Thames Valley and Wessex, in association with Oxford Health FT Library.
Page last reviewed: 27 November, 2020