Revised GP revalidation guidance

The Royal College of General Practitioners has responded to feedback by simplifying its appraisal and revalidation guidance (RCGP Guide to supporting information for appraisal and revalidation) so that the work involved in appraisal is “reasonable and proportionate”, “does not detract from patient care” or indeed from “time spent with patients, colleagues, friends or family.” It also recognised that there has been differing interpretations of some of the appraisal and revalidation requirements.

The clarity of the new 2016 RCGP appraisal guidance aims to remove any inconsistencies, reduce the burden on GPs and keep the focus of relationships with appraisers about “the supportive and developmental focus on quality maintenance improvement ..without a major increase in workload.”

See all of the new RCGP Appraisal and Revalidation resources.

Published: 1 April 2016