What does the HEE mandate 2019/20 say about primary care?

The DHSC has published its mandate setting out the government’s objectives for Health Education England to provide health care education and training.

Of interest to primary care the mandate includes:

  • new staffing models for general practice (3.4)
  • supporting the commitment to additional doctors working in general practice (eg, two year Primary Care Fellowship programme, refresher schemes, place based training models for GP trainees) (3.11)
  • support primary care networks through more clinical pharmacists and physician assistants (3.12)
  • multidisciplinary training in primary care (3.18)
  • support the antimicrobial resistance action plan and sepsis through training needs analysis and awareness training (4.2)

Reference: Health Education England mandate: 2019 to 2020, DHSC 11 July 2019

Published: 15 July 2019