Referencing and reference management

OHFT librarians offer guidance and training in referencing. You can fill our training form to request group or individual session.

Pears, R. and Shields, G., 2022. Cite them right. Bloomsbury Publishing. E-book referencing guide available to OHFT staff using with an OpenAthens account
Oxford Brookes University Referencing Guidelines Oxford Brookes University on referencing
When and What to Cite from Generative AI University of British Columbia guidelines on how to cite Generative AI in various styles.

APA referencing  guides

The Basics of Citing and Referencing in APA 7th Edition Video tutorial on the latest edition of APA referencing guide

Harvard referencing guides and tools

Harvard Referencing Tutorial An introduction to citing and referencing using the Cardiff University Harvard style.
Neil’s Toolbox This tool takes in the raw information – author, title, year of publication – and creates the reference in the correct form. You can then highlight and copy this into the bibliography section of your report. You then reference this next to the relevant section within your essay in the format (Author, Year) such as (Smith, 2005).
Reference management
EndNote Online essentials (Recording) This video offers a recording of a public EndNote training session, providing our standard essential-level lesson plan for EndNote online.


Page last reviewed: 27 January, 2024