Resident doctors’ resources

Use the Knowledge and library Hub to search all the resources available for you during your stay at Oxford Health.

Use your OpenAthens account to unlock all the resources available in the Knowledge and Library Hub including specialised databases like Medline and  Embase.

If you’re new to literature searching, or need a refresher, why not try this e-learning course: How to search the literature effectively? Our Critically Appraising the Evidence Base e-learning course will help you to evaluate research articles. Alternatively, you can book a training session with any of our librarians here.

You can also request evidence searches and we can help you to set up alerts for helping you to keep up-to-date.

BMJ Best Practice

Point-of-care tool. You can collect Continuing Medical Education credits for time spent using BMJ Best Practice and demonstrate your learning with personalised certificates. Watch this short animation for more details.

Create a personal account before downloading the app.  

Requires an OpenAthens account.

BMJ Learning

BMJ Learning offers high-quality continuing medical education for doctors and other healthcare professionals. It features hundreds of accredited, peer-reviewed learning modules in text, video, and audio formats.

Register here

Books from SWIMS catalogue

You can search our catalogue here or have a look at our list of printed books and ebooks to support resident doctors here


British National Formulary

Up-to-date information about the use of medicines. BNFc provides info about medicines for children. Access here:

Clinical Key 

Clinical evidence and point-of-care tool. Create a personal account before downloading the app. Access here: Clinical Key Psychiatry and Infection

Requires an OpenAthens account.

Clinical Knowledge Summaries

Evidence-based summaries for managing common conditions in primary care in the UK (commissioned by NICE) Access here:

E- journals

You have access to thousands of journals in all areas of health and care.

Requires an OpenAthens account.

Health Literacy

Did you know that 43% of adults aged 16-65 struggle with text-based health information and that increases to 61% if the information also includes numbers? What might this mean for your research project? If you want to know more, take this 30 minute e-learning course which includes simple tools that can help increase understanding. Requires an OpenAthens account.

Knowledge and Library Hub

Search across a wide range of resources and databases for health and social care, including access to full text journals. Access here: Knowledge and Library Hub

Requires an OpenAthens account.

Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry

Guidance on prescribing practice in mental health. Access here: The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry

Requires an OpenAthens account.

NICE Guidance

Evidence based recommendations developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders. Access here:


You will need an account to access some of these resources – sign up for free here:

Oxford University Press Titles

150+ key titles from the OUP including Oxford Handbooks for all the specialties. Access here:

Requires an OpenAthens account.

 Trip Pro

A tool to find high quality clinical research evidence. Access here:

Requires an OpenAthens account.

Stahl Online

The library has access to all Stahl titles electronically and they are regularly
updated. Access here.

Requires an OpenAthens account.


Page last reviewed: 1 October, 2024