Preceptorship Resources
3rd edition (2019)
Research, evidence, databases
All NHS staff are entitled to register for an NHS OpenAthens account at which provides access to NHS funded information resources including e journals and articles on many healthcare topics including preceptorship. NICE Journals and Databases: . *See below for suggested search strategies
Databases: AMED, BNI, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Social Care Online (Other databases are available)
Search Strategies
Search Strategies
Precept* OR “Newly Qualified” OR “Newly-Qualified” OR “Preceptorship Programme*” OR “Preceptorship Framework” OR “Assessed and Supported Year in Employment” OR “New* Graduate*”
Competenc* OR “Clinical Competenc*” OR “Communicat* Skill*” OR Resilien* OR Confiden*OR “Psychological Adaption” OR “Transition Shock” OR “Role transition” OR “Change Process” OR Interprofessional OR “Inter-professional” OR Equality OR Diversity OR “Health and Safety” OR Quality OR Security OR “Portfolio Writing” OR “Reflective Diary” OR “Reflective journal*” OR “Healthcare Leadership Model” OR “Edwar Jenner Programme”
Nurs* (OR “Health Visitor*” OR “Social Work*” etc.) Only search for one profession at a time.
Limits: 2014-2019 (to narrow results)
Notes: MeSH headings and terms such as CPD were omitted to narrow down a broad subject area.
Organisations, Professional and regulatory bodies
British Association of Dietitians
British Association of Occupational Therapists/College of Occupational Therapists
British Association of Social Workers
British Chiropody and Podiatry Association
Centre For The Advancement Of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE)
Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
The European Interprofessional Practice and Education Network (EIPEN)
Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Institute of Health Visiting
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Oxford Health – Learning and Development – Practice Learning (log in to OTR then select the button: Practice Learning and Preceptorship
Royal College of Nursing
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Selection of books available in print or electronic format
To borrow any items (including those located at other libraries) contact us via: . View a full list of books via the SWIMS catalogue. E books: Use your NHS OpenAthens username and password to access electronic books.
A-Z of reflective practice. Fiona Timmins. (2015)
Becoming a reflective practitioner. edited by Christopher Johns. – 5th ed (2017)
Critical thinking skills: effective analysis, argument and reflection. Stella Cottrell. – 3rd ed (2017)
The critically reflective practitioner. Sue Thompson and Neil Thompson. – 2nd ed (2018)
Fast facts for the nurse preceptor: keys to providing a successful preceptorship. Maggie Ciocco. (2016)
Healthcare professionalism: improving practice through reflections on workplace dilemmas. Lynn V. Monrouxe, Charlotte E. Rees (2017)
Leadership and Management in Healthcare. Gopee, N. Galloway, J. 3rd ed (2017)
Mentoring, preceptorship and clinical supervision: a guide to professional support roles in clinical practice. Alison Morton-Cooper and Anne Palmer. – 2nd ed (2000)
Nurses reflection diary: revalidation. Jane Coombs. – 2nd ed. (2016)
Preceptorship handbook for occupational therapists. Mary Morley. 3rd ed (2013)
Preceptorship for newly registered nurses. Kath Sharples, Karen Elcock (2011)
Prof. development, reflection & decision-making in nursing & health care. M. Jasper 2nd ed (2013)
Reflective practice: writing and professional development. Gillie Bolton 5th ed (2018)
Reflective practice in nursing. Lioba Howatson-Jones. – 3rd ed (2016)
Reflective practice in social work. edited by Christine Knott and Terry Scragg. 3rd ed (2016)
The reflective practice guide: an interdisciplinary approach to critical reflection. Barbara Bassot (2016)
Reflection for nursing life: principles, process and practice. John Mckinnon (2016)
Rethinking Patient Safety. Woodward, S. (2017)
Self leadership and personal resilience in health and social care. Jane Holroyd. (2015)
Skills for success. Stella Cottrell. 3rd ed (2015)
A strategic guide to CPD for health and care professionals: the TRAMm model. Deb Hearle et al. (2016)
Page last reviewed: 22 April, 2020