Revalidation for nurses resources guide

Online professional resources to support Revalidation

Keeping up to date

  • Social Media: NMC Twitter / @nmcnews
  • Sign up/view latest NMC Revalidation Newsletters:  eMail Newsletter
  • KnowledgeShare: OHFT libraries can provide you with bulletins and notifications of the latest research and publications. Our KnowledgeShare notifications are highly personalised and targeted to you, focusing on the evidence that will change practice, and the latest publications on quality, safety, education and the patient experience. Further details are available here , where you can sign up to this service. Also go to News Bulletins to opt to receive Journal Tables of contents or specialist bulletins via email.


Books to support revalidation are available in the SWIMS network

To borrow items contact us via:  View a full list of books available via the SWIMS library catalogueE books: Require NHS OpenAthens username and password.


Page last reviewed: 17 December, 2019