IT Facilities
Personal Computers
All the Trust libraries provide access to PCs for NHS staff with an Oxford Health NHS Trust computer logon. Most other library members may access PCs during staffed hours.
All library computers have access to the internet, email, Microsoft Office and CareNotes. Additional facilities (e.g. DVD/CD writers) are also available.
Library computing facilities can also be used by Trust staff to undertake e-learning modules for statutory and mandatory training. At present there is no booking system for PCs in the libraries. We can provide headphones for use in the libraries (available from library office at each site).
Printing is available from all of the computers. The library supplies printer paper free of charge for all database searches and work related printing. If you plan to do large print runs of CVs or other personal printing, please either bring in your own paper or purchase paper from library staff. Paper can be purchased at a rate of £1.50 for 100 A4 sheets. Please help save paper by printing only essential items.
There are photocopiers available to library users in all the Trust libraries.
Charges for photocopying are not made to Trust staff at present although this may change in future. Charges are applicable to other library members in accordance with service level agreements and in line with Service Charging policy.
All copying must be done in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Advice on copying permitted by the act is displayed by the photocopiers and on library notice boards. If in doubt, please consult library staff.
The NHS has a licence with the Copyright Licensing Agency that allows NHS staff to make copies in addition to limits permitted under the copyright act. A leaflet is available from the Copyright Licensing Agency.
Mediated photocopying
Users are expected to do their own photocopying from library material whenever possible. However, if you are unable to get to the library, you can request photocopies from library staff. Please see our Service charges for the cost of mediated photocopying.
To request a mediated photocopy, please download, print and complete an ILL Request Form for each photocopy you require, then send the form to the library. Please ensure that you sign the copyright declaration on the form. Your request may be returned to you if it is incomplete or the copyright declaration is not signed. Forms are also available at each library site.
Page last reviewed: 17 June, 2020