- People with experience of memory problems, and their carers, are invited to take part in involvement and feedback groups at our Brain Health Centre, to shape the research we do.
All year round
- Arts 4 Dementia: art events to empower people affect d by dementia. Mostly around London.
- Carers Buckinghamshire: training and social events
- Carers Oxfordshire: training and social events
- Creative Dementia Arts Network (CDAN)– network helping artists, arts organisations and arts venues to adapt their work for people with dementia and their carers. Also host their own events.
- Dementia-friendly Reminiscence Coffee Mornings, every other month at Buckingham library. More information at Reminiscence coffee morning | Buckinghamshire County Council
- Lights Up:free art-based sessions for people with dementia, their families, friends and carers. In Chipping Norton, Carterton and Witney.
- Bucks Mind Older Adults service (Chesham and Prestwood) – small group setting providing support, fun, companionship and stimulating activities in a friendly environment giving carers a few hours respite. Lunch is provided.
- Oxfordshire Age Friendly Cultural Network (OAFCN) newsletter: provides information on local and national arts-based resources and events. Email Helen Fountain, age friendly cultural coordinator at Age UK Oxfordshire, on
- Dementia Friends. Become a Dementia Friend. Learn more about what it is like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action
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