Book on to our free carers’ workshops this spring

Family, friends and carers of people with mental health disorders can find out more about their loved ones’ condition through workshops aimed at Oxfordshire/BSW adults and older adults’ services.

Image related to Book on to our free carers’ workshops this spring

‘Understanding and supporting someone with personality disorder’ is an online event taking place on April 26th at 10am. It will be an engaging session including opportunities for discussion, questions and for carers to share any experiences.

Di Hilson, the Trust’s Carers’ Lead, said: “This workshop aims to provide an overview of personality disorders, exploring the underlying causes and the subsequent complex emotional difficulties which may contribute towards a diagnosis of a personality disorder.”

There are other upcoming workshops this spring that may be of interest to many carers across Oxford Health covering OCD and research.

Places are free but limited so please email Di if you are interested in taking part:, giving your name, number and the course you would like to attend.

For more information on Oxford Health’s carers service, click here.

Click here to learn more about upcoming workshops.


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Published: 8 March 2023