‘Understanding and supporting someone with bipolar’ will be running from 10am-12.30pm on Thursday December 8th and is provided to the family, friends and carers of our service users who are currently under the care of Oxfordshire Mental Health services.
Make sure to email Di Hilson, the Trust’s Carers Lead, if you are interested in taking part- Diane.Hilson@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk, giving your name, number and the course you would like to attend. Places are free but limited.
Di said: “This workshop will think about what bipolar affective disorder is, the types of symptoms and experiences that patients with bipolar disorder may have and why they might have developed the illness. We will cover different treatments that are available and what you as family, friends or carers can do at home to support someone with bipolar.
“We will touch on some specific topics that commonly occur such as links between bipolar disorder and illicit substances and self-harm/suicide. There will be time given throughout the session to ask questions and discuss any topics raised.”
The workshop facilitator, consultant psychiatrist Dr Rebecca McKnight, will help you to understand and manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder, the impact it has on families, as well as talk through helpful guidelines for those supporting loved ones.
For more information on where and how you can get support visit our carers site here and to get a better insight into the upcoming workshops, click here.
Published: 28 November 2022