Book onto our upcoming free carers’ workshops this spring

Family, friends and carers of people with mental health disorders can find out more about their loved ones’ condition, through workshops aimed at Oxfordshire/BSW adults and older adults services.

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‘Understanding and supporting someone with bipolar’ is an online event taking place on February 9th at 10am. It will be an engaging session including opportunities for discussion, questions and carers to share any experiences.

Di Hilson, the Trust’s Carers’ Lead, said: “Many topics will be covered about bipolar disorder such as what it is, who gets it and why and what you can do to help. Bipolar UK will be joining us for the last 15 minutes of the session to talk about the support they offer.”

There are other upcoming workshops this spring that may be of interest to many carers across Oxford Health covering OCD and personality disorders.

‘Understanding Suicide and Self-harm’ will be the next upcoming workshop from 10am-12pm on March 9th. It will be available to the family, friends and carers of service users who are currently under the care of Oxfordshire Mental Health services.

Self-harm does not inevitably lead to an act of suicide but people who self-harm may also struggle with suicidal thoughts.

Di Hilson, the Trust’s Carers’ Lead, said: “This session will seek to explain the differences and links between self-harm and thoughts of suicide and offer strategies for dealing with both.”

Places are free but limited so please email Di if you are interested in taking part:, giving your name, number and the course you would like to attend.

For more information on Oxford Health’s carers service, click here.

Click here to learn more about upcoming workshops.

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Published: 25 January 2023