Carers strategy – putting our carers first

The second edition of our carers’ strategy which looks at the needs of our carers, friends and family and how we can continue to improve services for them and put them at the heart of everything we do, has just been published.

Image related to Carers strategy – putting our carers first

Front Cover of Carers Strategy 2021-2024

A carer is anyone, adult or child who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care which they provide is unpaid.

Anyone can become a carer, often people will not realise they are a carer, for many, it’s family and what you do, and they will not realise they are making a difference.

Speaking to our carers was key in making sure their thoughts and suggestions were part of designing this overall strategy. This version focused on finding out what our carers thought of our service currently and how we could continue to support them in the best way possible over the next three years.

Di Hilson, Carers Involvement Lead said: “In my role, and through the development of this strategy, I have had the opportunity to talk with and listen to carers about their experiences with Oxford Health.

“I have also been able to understand what is important to them and what they need when they come into contact with our services. I hope that this strategy really reflects what our carers want to see us working towards and I look forward to hearing how we progress.

“There are more people caring for a loved one than ever before. Carers make a massive contribution to reducing the burden on the NHS and social services, they help us care for and support our patients and because of this we must ensure they we getting the recognition and support that they need and deserve.”

Strategy Summary/Driver Diagram 2021-2024

The overall aim is to engage, involve and support every carer with the goal of working in true partnership. By achieving this, we will support the Trust’s overall vision of delivering ‘Outstanding Care, delivered by an Outstanding Team’.

There is a comprehensive diagram shown on page 6 and 7 highlighting the seven key primary drivers and what needs to happen for these to develop and evolve throughout the three years.

Marie Crofts, Chief nurse, said: “This strategy will help us to remain engaged with our carers and external organisations so we can continue to provide the best possible support to them throughout the next three years.

“Creating a strategy like this will no doubt help us move towards our overall vision. Everything we can do to support our carers will help us obtain a greater understanding of their needs and how we can meet each of our targets helping us to achieve our overall aim by 2024.”

Click to view the strategy in full here.

If you are a carer and you need support, advice or information then visit our dedicated webpage here.


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Published: 20 October 2021