Council of Governors meeting March 24

Join us online for the Council of Governors meeting on March 24.

Council of Governors meeting March 24

Oxford Health’s  Council of Governors will meet in public on Thursday, March 24 and anyone is welcome to attend and observe the meeting.

The meeting will take place via MS Teams and start at 17:30 on 24 March 2022.

You can join the meeting via this link


View more papers here


Time is set aside at the end of meetings in public for those attending to ask questions on matters arising from the agenda.

Questions will be taken at the discretion of the chair of the meeting, at the end of the meeting and in the designated slot on the agenda.

Questions on topics not included on the agenda may be answered at the discretion of the chair of the meeting, either in or outside of the meeting.

To facilitate a response at the meeting, please submit questions no later than 24 hours in advance to the Director of Corporate Affairs and Company Secretary.

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Published: 22 March 2022