COVID vaccinations available for vulnerable children aged 5-11

The Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group is reminding people that children aged 5 to 11 who are in a clinical risk group or who live with someone who is immunosuppressed in Oxfordshire can have the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Image related to COVID vaccinations available for vulnerable children aged 5-11

Eligible children include those with diabetes, immunosuppressed, learning disabilities, chronic heart and respiratory conditions*.

Specially trained nurses are delivering vaccinations at the Kassam Stadium vaccination centre in Oxford via booked appointments which are available Monday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday (9.30am to 7pm). The Kassam vaccination centre is closed all day for Oxford United home matches and closes earlier for mid-week home matches.

Parents and guardians can book appointments for their children at the Kassam centre by calling 07826 922121 – lines are open from 8.30am-7.30pm daily, including weekends.

Calls will be answered by a qualified nurse who will ensure parents have all the information they need and answer any questions or concerns in advance of an appointment – if people leave a message these will be returned promptly.

The Kassam centre has specially designed paediatric areas and post vaccination waiting sections equipped with toys and games. If a child has recently tested positive for COVID-19 a future appointment date will be offered.

All eligible 5-11 year olds will be offered the Pfizer vaccine as part of their first vaccination. Parents/guardians can book a second dose of the vaccine for their vulnerable child either at the first dose appointment or by calling 07826- 922121.

However, a second dose can only be given 8 weeks after a child has received their first COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr Ed Capo-Bianco, the Urgent Care Lead at Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, and a local GP said: “We know vaccines give significant protection against severe illness from COVID-19 including the omicron variant, so it is important that our youngest and most at-risk get protected.

“I encourage as many parents and guardians as possible to make sure they book an appointment for their vulnerable child – the paediatric vaccine will offer the best possible protection for them.”

Ed said: “The vaccine is also recommended for those children living with people who have a weakened immune system as it will reduce the risk of passing the infection on to these family members.”


  • *For a full list of clinical and other risk groups visit the UK Health Security Agency green book (chapter 14a) see here 
  • The Gov.UK website provides more information and advice for parents about the COVID-19 vaccination for this vulnerable age group see here

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Published: 17 March 2022