Digital art exhibition to mark World Mental Health Day

A digital art exhibition, celebrating the talents of people who use mental health services, launches on 10th October 2016 for World Mental Health Day, and runs the whole of this week.

Digital art exhibition to mark World Mental Health Day

A digital art exhibition, celebrating the talents of people who use mental health services, launches today to mark World Mental Health Day.

Paintings, photography and poetry created by service-users are being displayed in an art exhibition across social media and on the internet.

The exhibition starts today and runs throughout the week.

To see the exhibition follow Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust on Twitter @OxfordHealthNHS, Facebook @oxfordhealthnhs, Instagram oxford_healthnhs. Look out for #artOHFT.

Oxford Health’s Patient Experience and Involvement Manager Donna Mackenzie said:

“Art is really therapeutic for people who use our services. It is an opportunity for people to be reflective and gives them an opportunity to express themselves. Sometimes it’s hard to say something but easier to think about how you feel and express it in a photograph, picture or poem.”

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilising efforts in support of mental health.

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Published: 10 October 2016