Five Star Friday celebrating the Family Nurse Partnership team

Hard working staff from Oxford Health’s Family Nurse Partnership Team have received five-star praise from their patients.

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This Friday we are celebrating the Family Nurse Partnership team based across Oxfordshire for amazing 5 star reviews.

The Family Nurse Partnership team is made up of health visitors and family nurses who work with parents of new babies and children, offering support and advice, from before the birth of the child right until the start of school.

One reviewer said, “If I ever had an issue I can contact my family nurse and discuss it. I have been given some amazing advice.” And clearly the support has been truly beneficial, “It’s been helpful and nice having someone who understands and is supportive.”

This year, 2020 the Family Nurse Partnership team are celebrating 10 years of service and you can find out more about their continued support by viewing the following story.

The information groups that the team run including ‘Early Days’ and ‘Knowing Me Knowing You’ that are run throughout the county have been well received, “It’s nice being invited to the parties and social events with other young mums, as I feel more confident now. I feel I am always treated with respect and kindness.”

These independent reviews are crucial to see as a trust how we are performing and meeting the expectations of our patients and service users.

Sally Godwin, the family nurse supervisor has stated, “The team have shown stamina and determination in continuing to be stable and resilient “go- to” professionals in their clients’ lives. They have often been the only visitors that clients have continued to have during the pandemic. The power of this will have been felt by those clients. Our message is always ‘we care and will be there for you’.”

Find out more about this service here.

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Published: 2 October 2020