The Sapphire Ward is for men aged between 18-65 who have acute mental health needs. The ward is a 20-bed unit, with a dining room, sitting rooms, activity rooms, and treatment rooms. All bedrooms are single rooms with en-suite facilities, designed to meet the highest standards of privacy, dignity and patient safety.
The team consists of dedicated, experienced staff from a variety of professional backgrounds. This includes nurses, nurse assistant trainees, healthcare assistants, doctors, an activity coordinator, an occupational therapist, peer support workers, receptionist and housekeepers.
One service user who left a review of their time there said: “Good service, treated with kindness and compassion.”
The ward runs groups and activities throughout the week for patients. This can include smoothie making, gardening and even karaoke!
Another reviewer said: “I really admired the support provided by the staff and the atmosphere is really calm and settled and non-judgmental. Food is really good and nutritious too.”
Gareth Bevan, ward manager, said: “It’s so nice to receive positive feedback in these unprecedented times. We work hard to make Sapphire ward an enjoyable and therapeutic environment.”
A former inpatient said: “Absolutely happy with the treatment I was given, your team are stars. I would like to say a very big thank you to all who helped me to get me back on my feet.”
“The whole team is dedicated and caring” said a final reviewer and they found the whole experience to be “comforting and caring” with a final statement of “everyone here is a credit to the NHS.”
Published: 29 January 2021