The Pfizer walk-in clinic will be open on the following dates and times:
- Monday 26 July (10am to 7.30pm)
- Tuesday 27 July, Wednesday 28 July and Thursday 29 July (9.30am to 7.30pm).
No appointment is necessary to allow people aged 18 or over to have a first or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine (there must be an interval of at least 8 weeks from receiving the first dose to be eligible for the second dose). People may be asked to show proof of age.
This follows the success of walk-in clinics in Oxfordshire over the past month when around 4,650 first and second dose COVID-19 vaccinations were delivered to people aged 18 or over.
Tehmeena Ajmal, Covid Operations Director, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I would urge anyone who has not yet had their first dose or are due their second dose of the vaccine to attend the walk-in clinic in Witney to keep themselves and their family safe.”
Tehmeena added: “The clinic is located in the centre of the town and offers flexibility for people out shopping or who want to bring a friend to grab a jab to protect themselves against the virus.”
People who attend the walk-in clinic for their first dose will have their vaccination record updated online and will then be able to book in their second dose appointment using the national booking system.
- All adults can book at one of the 1,600 vaccination centre, pharmacy or general practice sites across the country that are available through the national booking service. People are encouraged to check this on a regular basis to see if they can book one closer to their home, and to keep trying as slots become available daily that will be more convenient for them.
- Text invitations appear as an alert from ‘NHSvaccine’ and include a web link to the NHS website to reserve an appointment.
- People who cannot go online can call the service on 119 instead to book their jab.
Published: 23 July 2021